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Offshore Wind

Unique solutions for the Offshore Wind Industry

Imenco offers unique, value-adding solutions for all areas of Offshore Wind – Monopiles, Jackets, and floating wind turbines.

For bottom-fixed (Jackets and Monopiles), we also offer our market-leading Piranha® solution to establish electrical continuity between various steal-structures in the sea and our unique Pile-gripper- & Jacket-landing capabilities and solutions ensure reduced installation costs.

The Pacu™ is considered to be the only reliable and environmental friendly solution for corrosion-protection of mooring-chains for the Floating Wind industry.

In addition to this, our ‘CP Acoustic Live Monitoring’ offers asset-owners the supervision, confirmation and comfort they deserve for Offshore Wind farms.  


Products within Offshore Wind


The Piranha® Anode Clamp from Imenco was developed to be mounted on to plates, beams, rods, bolts ore edges. We have five different basic clamp sizes that are availab...


Applicable to any permanently moored structure, the Pacu™ system is adapted to meet the needs of each installation. With the size, shape and spacing of the anodes engin...


Imenco's solution to attach Anode Cages to monopiles has been used for more than 600 foundations.

Assembly111 test

The Pile Gripper system is intended for jacket foundations and making a dramatic reduction in installation time.

Let us know if there is anything we can do
to help you!
